As a content marketer, you have already known that the work you do is valuable. So it should be no surprise that demand for your skills is only going to grow in the upcoming years.
1. Content producers
Content producers are responsible for creating content. These contents are then used to create a marketing strategy.
If you know content marketing, then you can also work as a content producer.
As a content producer, you have to work with the content marketing team. Also, you have to work on their strategies in the process.
In short, you have to track the analytics of in-house content marketing team’s performance.
2. Content editors
As a content editor, you’re responsible for editing content.
You’ll also be checking the quality of that content and making sure that it’s engaging. Content editors are also responsible for making sure that their content meets the standards of their brand. They ensure all relevant keywords are properly placed within articles.
Lastly, work for SEO friendly content. So that it can be found by search engines when someone searches for something related to what the company sells or does.
3. Content marketer
The goal of content marketing is to acquire and retain customers through the publishing and promotion of content. An effective content marketer creates and distributes engaging and relevant content.
The job of a content marketer includes managing social media, writing blog posts and case studies, planning events or webinars, developing videos, recording podcasts, etc.